Discover the Elios 3 UT payload

počet zhlédnutí: 70

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The UT Payload is here! 


Our User Conference was an amazing success - and in Lausanne, we launched our brand-new ultrasonic thickness payload. Developed in partnership with Cygnus Instruments, we believe this development will unlock new industries and applications for the Elios 3 across the globe. 


Our March round-up will be focused on the new payload - we've been working on it for years and we're excited to tell you all about it! We also have our latest case studies and YouTube videos from our team. 


Scroll down for the highlights of the User Conference, your Elios 3 UT introduction, and more! Got any questions? Hit reply to get in touch! 


Your Flyability Team 


Our latest news

UT Newsletter banner

Discover the new UT payload! 


The product of years of research, testing, and prototyping, this payload is going to bring a revolution to NDT. The Elios 3 UT can remotely capture A-scans at height and in hard-to-reach places.  

Want to see it in person? Check out where we are on the road to see the Flyability team near you! 


Our latest case studies & blogs


Avoiding 15,000 hours of work with the Elios 3 UT


A cargo ship must have regular periodical surveys to be certified for use - including extensive UT testing. The Elios 3 UT can eliminate thousands of hours of scaffolding work at height. 


How UT drone inspections elevate safety and efficiency


What are the impacts of using UT drones? How can it simplify non-destructive testing? Read our blog to explore the benefits of UT drones along with an overview of how our new payload works! 

UC 2024 - 89

Highlights of the 2024 Flyability User Conference! 


We had over 150 people in the room from 30 countries. From the product launch to bagpipes at the networking dinner, this was our event of the year! 

Delta Scan emergency response

Disaster response: the Elios 3 at a gas explosion


The Elios 3 was deployed by South African service provider Delta Scan after a gas explosion blew up a street in central Johannesburg. 

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From the Training Room

UT Tank inspection
UT Arm

The UT cleaning module


See the Elios 3 UT and its cleaning module in action for this tank inspection. Watch the pilots guide and position the cleaning tool ahead of using the UT probe. 

The Elios 3's UT arm


Our UT payload is mounted on an articulated arm - it can be adjusted in a variety of positions according to what asset you're inspecting. 


Meet us on the road near you!


▶North America & Canada

▶Europe & Africa

  • MINEXAstana, Kazakhstan, Apr 17-18
  • Control, Stuttgart, Germany, Apr 23-26

▶South America


▶Middle East, Asia & Pacific

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