DroneGIS: more scalability for drone service providers

počet zhlédnutí: 61
DroneGIS | Share 4D maps with clients and team

DroneGIS is a platform designed for the smooth transfer of project deliverables to your clients, improving efficiency and teamwork, and it now features several exciting updates.


New features

  • Experimental: Split client's data into several isolated organizations to reduce the probability of a data breach, manage teams separately, and enable copying of data between organizations.

  • Enhanced White Labeling for DroneGIS on Amazon AWS: Now with customizable logos, site URLs, main application colors, and names.

  • Data Presentation in Geosoft Grids (.grd) Format: Offer clients the ability to view magnetic data in .grd format. Features include configuration of color palettes, transparency, value ranges; display of values under the cursor; and options to show data in 2D or 3D, aligned with the terrain.

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SPH Engineering is a provider of UAV software solutions, integration services, consulting, and custom development to expand drone applications. Its innovations support UAVs of different manufacturers and advance drone technologies for surveying, data collection, and entertainment. Founded in 2013 in Latvia (EU), the company has a global customer and partner network in 150+ countries.


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