Elios 1 and Elios 2 End Of Life (EOL)

počet zhlédnutí: 44
EOL Email header

Dear Jaroslav,


After 5 years, we have decided to begin the End of Life process for the Elios 1 and Elios 2 drones. 


The End of Life process for the Elios 1 and 2 marks the end of an era, and we are so proud of these drones. From the world’s deepest mines to the heart of nuclear reactors, the Elios 1 and Elios 2 have helped keep the workers of over 1,000 customers safe. 


To encourage existing Elios users to upgrade to the Elios 3, we have a trade-in offer where you can receive a 10% discount in exchange for your old Elios 1 or Elios 2. This is available for the first 50 customers applying until September 30, 2024. More information is available in this document.

Here is what the End of Life process looks like, including key dates to be aware of: 

The Elios 1 and Elios 2 drones will not be available for sale after October 31, 2024. Any purchases made before then will still include the 1-year warranty but without an extension option.

After this date, Flyability will no longer issue maintenance releases, bug fixes, patches, or updates. We will also stop updating Inspector 4 after 31 December 2026. Until this date, we will continue to support Elios 1 & 2. 

After June 30, 2027, Flyability’s Support will no longer be guaranteed for requests related to Elios 1 and 2. Please note that spare part availability is limited to available stock and ability to reorder from our suppliers. You can contact Flyability’s Support Team for information about part availability.


Interested in upgrading to the Elios 3? 


The Elios 3 has many features that the Elios 1 and Elios 2 do not, including its LiDAR scanner, Return-to-Signal feature, and modular payload design with 3 payloads (so far….). You can discover the differences between the drones and why you should upgrade here:

If you would like to discuss a trade-in or upgrade to the Elios 3, please contact your local reseller, your area sales manager from Flyability, or fill in the contact form on the Flyability website


Should you have any questions, please get in touch with your area sales manager or local reseller to get more information.


Thank you for being with us so far in this journey, and we hope to continue working - and flying - together in the future!


Your Flyability Team 


Flyability SA

Route du lac 3, 1094 Paudex

Vaud Switzerland

+41 21 311 55 00 | info@flyability.com

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