Important UgCS 5.1.4 hotfix

počet zhlédnutí: 57

This UgCS hotfix contains changes to improve the safety of the flights.

The recommended action for all UgCS users: download and install the new UgCS version.



What was fixed: the bug causing the wrong resume point altitude for TTF missions


If a drone operator interrupts the flight (for example, to change the battery), UgCS generates an additional waypoint to continue the route exactly from the interruption point using the Continue option.


In some situations, that waypoint may have the wrong altitude type (AGL instead of Rangefinder).


The hotfix assures that this automatically generated waypoint will have the same altitude type as the next waypoint on the route.


Also, if the resume position is between two waypoints with different altitudes, the highest waypoint altitude will be used for the resume.


For all DJI M300 and M350 vehicle profiles, this update sets the 'Safe distance over terrain' parameter to 5 meters if the current value is less than 5 meters.


We suggest never setting this parameter to lower values and, depending on the flight conditions, setting it to even higher values, especially if you use non-precise elevation data for mission planning.


Please note that this parameter is controlled only for AGL and AMSL altitude types in waypoints and segments. You can still set any value for the altitude type Rangefinder.


For Ardupilot, if the first/resume waypoint is a rangefinder, manual takeoff is now required


That change prevents drone crashes on obstacles when automatic mission execution at extremely low altitudes is activated from the ground.


NFZ/Obstacle avoidance during the mission planning is now disabled for segments with altitude type Rangefinder for all types of drones


This change is because flying using real-time data from an altimeter conflicts with standard UgCS behavior when flying over obstacles or NFZ zones with limited height.


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