The best of Flyability in 2023

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Happy Holidays from Flyability! 


Thank you for being a part of our community in 2023. Across the world Flyability pilots have been using the drone to make confined space inspections safer, faster, and more efficient. 


This has been an incredible year, including our first in-person User Conference in Denver, the launch of the RAD and Surveying payloads for the Elios 3, as well as the introduction of Return-to-Signal. All of these projects have contributed to Flyability's overall goal of making complex inspections safer. 


Our newsletter is sharing the highlights of 2023. Enjoy a selection of the best case studies from this year, highlights from the training team, as well as the agenda for the 2024 User Conference. We wish you a successful end to 2023, and can't wait to fly together next year! 


Your Flyability Team 


Our latest news

The Agenda is Live! 


We are unveiling the agenda for our User Conference! Make sure you've booked your ticket so you can join us to hear from experts on all things Elios - from using AI to analyze data to calculating the ROI of drones and inspecting radioactive environments. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements in 2024!


Return-to-Signal is here! 


We are taking the pressure off pilots. With Return-to-Signal, the Elios 3 detects when there is a loss of video feed and automatically returns along its flight path until it reconnects. This feature will be critical to pilots pushing the limits in complex inspection environments.


Highlights of our 2023 Case Studies

InspecDrone Header

Monitoring stockpiles at a cement plant with the Elios 3


InspecDrone was asked to visit a cement plant to do stockpile surveys with their drone - now, they return every month to help monitor 30 different stockpiles in a safer, faster way than before. 


Increasing safety and efficiency in sewer inspections


Veolia Water is using the Elios 3 to make inspections safer and faster. They've achieved a 40% cost reduction per linear meter inspected, and their inspection teams are safer than ever. 

Penstock Tower_elev

Analyzing a 35-meter dam surge tank with the Elios 3


A hydro plant in Canada was due for maintenance work. A combination of using the Elios 3 and rope access helped inspectors see the condition of the dam - and it didn't match designs! 

Elios 3 Ship

Case Study: Saving $1 million on hull inspections


When C-Bird was asked to assist with a hull inspection for a large cargo ship, they chose to use the Elios 2 and Elios 3 to gather data in confined-spaces - and helped the client save $1 million! 


Unlocking NDT inspections for power generation


Learn how an inspection robotics company in the Czech Republic is using the Elios 3 at power generation sites for critical inspections, including at nuclear power plants. 

Boulby Mine

The Surveying Payload in an undersea mine


ICL Boulby is the world's only polyhalite mine. The Elios 3's new Surveying Payload was used to compare it with the standard payload - with amazing results including 50% less flight time. 

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From the training



Picking the right LiDAR payload


The Elios 3 standard LiDAR payload and Surveying LiDAR payload can both be used for similar projects - but which one is right for your unique work?

Video: Inspecting a silo


Check out this video by our pilot team detailing how to prepare for and inspect a silo with the Elios 3. Pick up their tips and tricks, and learn what to watch out for. 


Thanks for an amazing 2023, see you in 2024! 


Got any questions? 

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